2nd Annual Southwest Florida Homeschool Fair
Who should attend the Homeschool Fair?
Please e-mail dittokiddo1@aol.com with any inquiries about fixtures. We have some remaining and would be happy to part with them.
Posted by
Jody Sanders
5:47 PM
Labels: news
Jason and I met, many years ago, at-a-now-demolished-because-there-weren't-enough-condos-in-Naples restaurant where we both worked. That restaurant was also the place we met our much loved former employees, Kelly and Nikol ... and a lot of other really cool people, like Chad and Cindy.
Valentine's Day will be here before you know it. We've got lovely heart-themed tops and dresses as well as cute red clothes and shoes. Hurry in for best selection!
Just in today ... a Little Tikes large slide in primary colors priced at $49.90, a Thomas Ride-On Train with extra track for $149.90, and toys galore.
Posted by
Jody Sanders
4:17 PM
A few new ones, check them here.
Posted by
Jody Sanders
11:26 PM
Labels: recalls
Wow, 13 days since the last post ... that stinks. And it's not because nothing has happened at Ditto Kiddo! We've been quite busy buying summer clothing, cribs, toys, girls clothing in sizes 7 and up, and more, more, more. And sales are great ... our seasonal visitors are definately coming to town and what fun that is!
No, my only excuse for not posting is that we've (our family) been sick with some sort of cold bug that's going around. But we're all better now and back in action so I'll be catching up here in the next few days.
Posted by
Jody Sanders
11:13 PM
Wow! This entire outfit is less than $20 at Ditto Kiddo. The sweater and jeans are both Gymboree and the decorative tank top is from The Children's Place.
Here's another unbeatable Ditto Kiddo deal. This dress, new with tags, matching tights also new with tags, and adorable shoes are less than $20! Yes, less than $20 for the entire outfit.
Those are our regular prices ... no special sale, no coupons needed ... our regular every-day prices.
But, just to ice the cake, our sale racks contain great clothing at 25-75% off our regular prices.
Posted by
Jody Sanders
11:53 AM
Labels: baby, girls, saving money
We've returned from all the holiday fun and are back to our normal schedule ... and, baby, it's cold outside!
Fear not ... we are well-stocked with winter jackets, jeans, sweaters, and long-sleeved shirts, all at great prices.
It's January, and that means we are no longer accepting winter clothing, so nothing with long pants or long sleeves. We begin taking winter clothing again on August 1st. We are happily looking at spring and summer clothing, which we accept year-round.
Items we need at this time include cribs, mattresses, pack and plays, jogging strollers, and bike trailers. We are also in need of highchairs, which, like everything else, need to be in like-new condition.
I hope your holidays were decadent and I wish you the best in 2008!
Posted by
Jody Sanders
11:41 AM
Ditto Kiddo
upscale children's new and resale
4836 Bonita Beach Rd., Ste. 3
Bonita Springs, FL 34134
(239) 495-1055